We firmly believe that Primal Pet Foods saved our dog’s life. We adopted Obi, a 3-month old Smooth Collie mix from our local shelter and he’s been the most loving, comical, sweet, and overall perfect addition to our family.
Obi refused to eat his kibble and every time he did eat, diarrhea followed. He had undetected Giardia for two months while he was a little over a year, and once the vet finally caught it, his GI tract was in bad shape, and he’d lost 15% of his body weight.
He was diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Disease, and the vet suggested a permanent diet of prescription wet and dry food. My husband put his foot down and said he'd had enough of processed food making our poor dog sick, and wanted to try something completely different -- against our vet's advice.
We bought our first bag of Primal and for the first time since we brought Obi home, he inhaled his food every single time we gave him his Primal meal. And aside from his energy, happiness, playfulness, and spirit returning, another miracle occurred: he began having normal bowels for the first time in his life.
Obi is now a little over two years old, and healthy as can be. Everything about him is vibrant, from his coat to his spirit. We are in awe of the gift that Primal has given Obi and our family. (It's a terrible thing to watch your darling pet suffer, with no idea how to provide comfort or normalcy; now, those days are long gone.)
We are genuinely grateful for the product you share with people like us around the country. We are your #1 fans and love your company and products so very much! You changed Obi's life, and in turn, ours, too, and we can never properly thank you for that.

Bella, 14 years old Rottweiler mix

“Primal Pet Foods saved our dog’s life”
Sarah | Fairfax, ca

“Their skin issues are gone”
Christy M. | Colorado Springs, CO

"My cats eat it so fast, I do not have to worry about it going bad in the dish."
Kimberly s. | San Pedro, CA

“Have never been disappointed”
Brooklyn | Dayton, OH

“Has more energy than I have ever seen”
Michael P. | Abita Springs, LA