<b>Give Your Cat a Bone</b>

Give Your Cat a Bone

When it comes to healthy chews for pets, most people immediately think of dogs. But cats can enjoy chewing on treats just as much as dogs! 

Our furry feline friends are obligate carnivores, which means they must consume meat to survive. As such, cats have strong jaws designed for tearing and crushing. Take a look at your cat’s mouth. There are plenty of sharp teeth, right? And check out that tongue. It’s covered in backwards-facing barbs. Do you know why? Cats have barbed tongues so they can strip meat from bone!

Primal Raw Recreational Bones make a great treat for cats. Our Small Beef Marrow Bones are just the right size and provide a number of benefits.


Mental Stimulation

mental stimulation primal pet foods


Giving your cat a bone can help keep their brain sharp. As cats chew, they must determine how to get the marrow from the center of the bone.


primal pet foods moisture


As an obligate carnivore, cats are designed to absorb the majority of the water they need from their food. They do not have the same thirst drive that dogs and humans do, and their tongue is not optimized to “scoop” water from a dish. Primal Raw Bones are a great source of moisture for your cat’s diet. Dietary moisture is crucial for optimal hydration, appropriately functioning organs, and healthy skin and coat.

Dental Health

primal pet dental health


Many cats develop dental disease by 3 years old. The process of chewing can help to scrape teeth, which helps reduce buildup. Additionally, raw bones contain enzymes. As your pet is chewing on a raw bone, moisture and enzymes can aid in breaking apart food particles, improving oral health.

Just like any new food or treat, start slow when introducing Primal Bones. Marrow bones can be handed to your cat frozen or defrosted straight from the fridge. If they do not like cold treats, place the bone in a bowl of warm water while still in the packaging for about 5-10 minutes to warm it up.

Once your cat has experienced a Primal Raw Bone, you can add one to their feeding regimen once or twice per week. Be sure to always monitor your pets when they have any type of bone or chew.

Have fun giving your cat a bone! Want to learn more about ways you can add fresh food to your cat’s diet? Check out our Bowl Builder tool.





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