Safe Practices for Handling Primal Raw Frozen Formulas
New to Primal Pet Foods? We’ve made it easy to provide a safe, wholesome and nutritious diet to your pets, without any of the hassles of grinding, chopping, or mixing the ingredients yourself. With our species-appropriate raw formulas, your cat or dog will get the nutrients they need to thrive and live their best Primal life.
For our Primal Pet Foods Raw Frozen Formulas, we recommend following these safe handling practices and convenience tips.
- All of Primal’s Raw Frozen Formulas should be kept frozen prior to feeding your pet.
- Portion a few days of your pet’s food in the refrigerator and let thaw.
- To simplify the handling and feeding of our raw frozen nuggets and patties products, try staging containers of a few days worth of food in your freezer. When you use the last of the thawed product from your refrigerator, simply grab a portioned container from the freezer and place it in your refrigerator to thaw for your pet's next several feedings.
- If you’re pressed for time, place the food in a sealed plastic bag and thaw in warm water. Do not use water that is too hot, as this will potentially cook the food and reduce the enzymatic properties, as well as deplete the nutrient values of the raw foods.
After thawing in the refrigerator, do not leave Primal Frozen Raw formulas out of refrigeration for more than 2 hours. After 2 hours of total elapsed time at room temperature, please dispose any remaining food in your pet’s bowl
- Our Raw Frozen Formulas will stay fresh for up to 5 days in the refrigerator if stored in a properly sealed container.
- Always thoroughly wash all utensils, bowls, countertops that come in contact with raw pet food. We recommend using disinfecting wipes or a separate sponge for cleaning all surfaces.
- Invest in a stainless steel food bowl for your pet’s food. Materials such as plastic and porcelain can trap germs over time.
- Last but not least, always keep raw food away from children and completely separate from other foods.
Primal Pet Foods offers both the convenience and benefits that will help improve the quality of life and overall health and happiness of your pets. For newcomers to raw pet food, we recommend Primal’s Raw Pronto Formula for your cat or dog. Primal’s Raw Pronto Formula thaws in minutes: simply scoop out the portioned meal for the day and serve to your pet.